Command line interface

You can use these commands in your terminal:

Command Description
--help, -h Prints information about available commands
--version, -v Prints SHADERed version
--minimal, -m Start SHADERed in minimal mode - no UI
--wwidth <width>, -ww <width> Set window width on startup
--wheight <height>, -wh <height> Set window height on startup
--fullscreen, -fs Start SHADERed in fullscreen mode
--maximized, -max Make the window maximized on startup
--performance, -p Start SHADERed in performance mode - minimal UI and can be turned off while running
--render <out_file>, -r <out_file> Render to a file without starting up SHADERed UI
--renderwidth <width>, -rw <width> Set the output image width
--renderheight <height>, -rh <height> Set the output image height
--rendersample <count>, -rsmp <count> Set the rendering supersample (1, 2, 4 or 8)
--renderframe <index>, -rf <index> Set the FrameIndex system variable
--rendertime <time>, -rt <time> Set the Time system variable
--rendersequence, -rseq Render a sequence
--renderseqfps <fps>, -rseqfps <fps> Set sequence FPS
--renderseqduration <t>, -rseqdur <t> Set sequence duration
--compile <file>, -c <file> Compile a shader file
--language <lang>, -cl <lang> Compiler input language. Default value is GLSL. lang can be: “hlsl”, “vkglsl”
--stage <stage>, -cs <stage> Compiler input stage. Default value is pixel. stage can be: vert, geom, comp, tesc, tese
--output <path>, -o <path> Compiler output file path
--target <spirv|glsl>, -t <spirv|glsl> Choose whether to compile to SPIR-V or GLSL
--entry <func>, -e <func> Shader entry function (for HLSL)
--disassemble <file>, -dis <file> Print the SPIR-V
--convert <file>, -con <file> Convert the shader from HLSL to GLSL
filepath Providing a path to a .sprj project file will make SHADERed load that project